
Tech Corner May 2021 | Emerging Artificial-Aided Technology in 2021

Technology is ever changing and has no plans to slow down anytime soon. The most notable increases in usages to be aware of in 2021 are Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Autonomous Vehicles.

This tech corner will give you a basic level of knowledge on these emerging technologies and some ways in which they are utilized. It’s not important that you become an expert in these trends, but beneficial to be “in the know” as it evolves around you.

Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality

Imagine a reality where you are entered into a digital world that exists only in your mind, portrayed by a digital interface that you are experiencing it through (Such as a VR Headset). This is what is known as a virtual reality, experienced purely through your vision, where a headset is blocking your actual visual capability and everything you experience is “in the lens”. Augmented Reality takes it a step further, having you wear an augmented pair of spectacles or vision-aids, with ability to view what is in front of you as the technology enhances and adds a digital experience in your surroundings.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence has undoubtedly become part of our daily lives. It is the brain wave behind all of the “smart-enabled” technology being used today by consumers, business, science, and more. If you’ve ever wondered how Siri or Alexa respond to your commands or seem to know what you’re looking for before you do, it’s through the power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning that watches and learns your patterns. Not just solving small tasks in everyday life, but even furthering being utilized in Biotechnology, healthcare, hospitals, public safety, and more.  Being integrated to develop answers and solutions.

Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles are often called driverless or self-driving vehicles. They are able to operate and perform functions without human interaction. These systems are sometimes referred to as advanced driver assistance systems and have different levels of interaction with the vehicle, depending on driver awareness, situational intervention, or system activated assistance. The advancement of self-driving technology was based around capabilities in delivering greater safety and vehicle interaction to prevent accidents from driver fatigue, slow reaction time, reducing stop-and-go traffic, responding to emergency situations, etc.